Our dedicated 25m Air Rifle Range is located on the grounds of the Shooting Centre at the Schloss Roxburghe. The covered shooting area is an all-weather facility offering the opportunity to hone your shooting accuracy under the supervision of our team. Shooting can be in the seated position using gun rests or in the standing position using stalking tripods over our range of target options.
All air guns and pellets will be provided for the session.
Cost per hour is £60 for one shooter. £100 per hour for two shooters. £150 per hour for three shooters.
Age: 12 years and over.
For further information or to book a range session, please contact us on the below details:
Country Sports Centre, Schloss Roxburghe, Kelso, TD5 8JZ
E-mail: info@countrysportscentre.net
Mobile: +44(0)7715977060