Our dedicated archery range is located in a stunning riverside location within the grounds of the Schloss Roxburghe near Kelso in the Scottish Borders. Under the friendly guidance from our GB Archery qualified instructors, archery is a hugely popular recreational sport for all age groups and abilities.  

Our Introduction to Archery sessions include the following key elements of safe and enjoyable archery experience:

  • Stance: Correct position of the feet.
  • Load: How to insert the arrow in the bow's nock.
  • Draw: Correct draw technique to load the bow.
  • Aim: How to aim correctly towards the centre of the target.
  • Release: How to release the arrow to achieve the best line of flight.

All bows, arrows and safety equipment will be provided for the session.

Cost per hour is £60 for one person. £100 per hour for two archers. £150 per hour for three archers.

Age: 12 years and over.

For further information or to book a shooting lesson, please contact us on the below details:

Country Sports Centre, Schloss Roxburghe, Kelso, TD5 8JZ


Mobile: +44(0)7715977060 


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